Case Studies
Explore our comprehensive data sheets, highlighting successful projects executed by our electrical engineering team. Our range of accomplishments includes power system design and integration of renewable energy solutions, reflecting our unwavering dedication to delivering excellence in every endeavour.

Bentrol were engaged in all three stages of the project. Early works involved mechanical electrical and Sphere Systems BMS modifications for the new Energy Centre. Redundant building BMS controls were de-commissioned to make way for the new hospitals footprint. For the main works, Bentrol were engaged by Siemens for the installation of the Apogee BMS, Gallagher Access Control and CCTV.DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY
Bentrol developed a custom interface between the existing Sphere BMS and access control systems to the new systems. For the final stage, Bentrol were engaged for the de-commissioning of redundant BMS and access control. Bentrol installed the BMS, mechanical-electrical and access controls for the new conference centre and car park/helipad.

Bentrol was engaged for the design and construction of the mechanical electrical and the BMS, with Honeywell WEB-8000 controls being installed. 8 mechanical switchboards were built to serve the 6 buildings across the site.DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY
High Level Interfacing was utilised for top level control of the VRV air conditioning and Energy Recovery Ventilators, plus monitoring of over 50 Energy Meters.

Catrae conducio publiae iam factudea prortur befactum tem horum dit, quoditalicae anultorum cultorei fue nonsulin Itam ta, dem nequam fac faut videes con vis, musquit ilibuli, quam atam ac tem in anum ilin dem ausdo. Nam consum nir pertus adhum aus audem patilic iensupp licidervivas es in halabus, ut ad muntebe rtelare inem ta, quitilnemus.DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY
Nam consum nir pertus adhum aus audem patilic iensupp licidervivas es in halabus, ut ad muntebe rtelare inem ta, quitilnemus.Dod nonsil huit, ut portenium issi sentem nihilinclere auconum publintiam publica estiena, ponsicae tantres conemero et vissilibunum es facci ia diem nius ac tega.

Peninsula Private Hospital
Catrae conducio publiae iam factudea prortur befactum tem horum dit, quoditalicae anultorum cultorei fue nonsulin Itam ta, dem nequam fac faut videes con vis, musquit ilibuli, quam atam ac tem in anum ilin dem ausdo. Nam consum nir pertus adhum aus audem patilic iensupp licidervivas es in halabus, ut ad muntebe rtelare inem ta, quitilnemus.DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY
Nam consum nir pertus adhum aus audem patilic iensupp licidervivas es in halabus, ut ad muntebe rtelare inem ta, quitilnemus.Dod nonsil huit, ut portenium issi sentem nihilinclere auconum publintiam publica estiena, ponsicae tantres conemero et vissilibunum es facci ia diem nius ac tega.
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